International Basic Familylab Training

Familylab Slovenia & Familylab Croatia welcome you at the
International Basic Familylab Training 2024

Two modules: 9. – 12. 5. 2024 and 26. – 29. 9. 2024


  • Would you like to get thoroughly acquainted with the approach of working with families according to the values proposed by Jesper Juul?
  • Do you want to deepen your knowledge of family dynamics and improve your approach when working with children, parents or families?
  • Are you tempted to enrich the quality of relationships with your loved ones?

About training

The purpose of the training

The course gives you a deeper insight into the philosophies of Familylab. Attending it enables you to use the material as part of your own work and/or arrange your own workshops. Participants of the training recieve a certificate allowing them to work under the umbrella of Familylab Association.

Who is it for?

For professionals working with children or/and families, i.e. educators, teachers, social and special pedagogues, psychologists, social workers, family councellors, psychotherapists and similar professional profiles.

The Basic Familylab Training is also suitable and available for non-professionals and those not interested in working under Familylab. For further details, please contact Ivana Gradišnik (ivana@familylab.si).

What does the training consist of?

The training consists of two four-day modules (8 day intensive); the first is more theoretically oriented while the second one is more practical in nature. Before the training the participants must read the recommended literature and submit an essay/questions for debate. Between the first and the second module the participants must write up five real life cases from family or school/kindergarden life. These cases will serve as a basis for practical work in the second module.

During the first module the participants get well acquainted with the basic values which make up the heart of Familylab paradigm – i. e. equal dignity, integrity, personal responsibility and authenticity – and some of the basic concepts and principles at play in the adult-child relationship dynamics. The second module is dedicated to more practical activities and the basic question: how to implement the theory into practice so as to respect and promote the basic philosophy (values).

Each day the training starts at 9h and finishes at around 17h; lunchtime planned from 13h – 14.30. You’ll be notified of the particular details concerning the daily schedule a couple of weeks before the training when the group is formed and we’ll know its size, structure and the physical location of its members.  

The training will be held in English language (without translation).

We will conduct the training in a so called hybrid way; if the circumstances will allow for that, the local participants will attend the modules in person, while international participants will be welcome to choose their way of attending, either on-line or in person.  


Training goals

  • Paradigm shift
  • Focus on a relationship
  • Transfer of theories and knowledge into daily life
  • Introduction of values, exploring & experiencing values personally and in groups, entering into the group developing process
  • To inspire the participants in their professional development
  • To share knowledge, principles, values, and provide the opportunity for reflection and introspection
  • To give perspective on how to be active as a seminar-leader
  • To give example on how to live equal dignity

The training is lead by

Dušanka Kosanovič

Psychologist and psychotherapist (family therapy at DDIF), supervisor and coach, lecturer, national leader and manager of Familylab Croatia. She completed her family therapy studies at the German-Danish Institute for Family Therapy and Counseling in Berlin. Her main field of interest is working with individuals and families, teaching and supervising teams in caring and educational professions and the business sector, as well as working with individuals, family members and groups in the field of psycho-oncology. She conducts trainings, seminars and workshops on the topic of relational competence and lectures to professionals in Croatia and abroad.


Price: 1.900 €

The price includes the cost of both training modules, the hand-out materials, and all-through-day snacks.

Application fee (non-refundable): 10%. Payment possible in installments. For more information on payment conditions, please contact Ivana Gradišnik (ivana@familylab.si)


The location of the training is Slovenia and Croatia, Europe. In 2024 the first module will be conducted in Ljubljana and the second one in Zagreb. 

Application and further information

Ivana Gradišnik: ivana@familylab.si, 00386 31 649 749

When registering, please fill out and send us the application form, which can be found here.

Jesper Juul’s personal address

From the very beginning of Familylab, we discussed how our seminar-leader training should be structured. Should it be more like traditional education including tests/final exams etc.? Or should it be the way we ended up doing it: a massive, high-quality input loaded with existential inspiration and based on our trust that experienced and well-educated people will digest and transform what we have to offer in ways that will make them better teachers, group leaders, and counsellors for parents and families.

After 12 years, our experience matches our expectations. Professionals and parents might wish for models and methods. But they become much more able to improve how they relate to others when they acquire the courage to mobilize their potential into authentic presence and leadership.

Many of your predecessors have chosen to continue working within the Familylab universe. Others have chosen to enrich their personal and professional lives under other umbrellas. Both are fine with us. It is more important for us to move you than to create a movement.

I am confident that your participation will enrich your life!

Best wishes
Jesper Juul

> See Jesper’s bibilography
> Go to Jesper’s books in English

Additional information

After the training the participants will receive a certificate allowing them to organize their own lectures and workshops for parents under the umbrella of Familylab. The certificate is valid for two years. After that its validation is confirmed by actively participating in delivering content under the umbrella of Familylab and by attending the yearly supervision regularly and/or any other groups that specific national branches of Familylab had installed.